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AI Landscape | Sunflowers | Field | Free Artwork | Digital Expressionist Style

AI Landscape | Sunflowers | Field | Free Artwork | Digital Impressionist Style A good piece of wall art can be created in a number of differ...

The Unready Artist


About me

Hi! My name is Gary, and I am "The Unready Artist"

Why "Unready" you might ask?  Well the definition of unready is "not prepared for a situation or activity" and I am certainly that. 

Of all the adjectives I could use to describe myself and my approach to artwork and design, this seemed to me to be the most appropriate. 

Although I have dipped in and out of photoshop (and similar) for more years than I care to remember, I am by no means a trained professional. And in the realms of digital artwork, I regard myself as a hobbyist at best.

About my wall art

My journey into digital artwork, and wall art in particular, started some years ago when I was looking for a striking statement framed poster or large canvas as a focal point for a boring office wall. 

I looked online and in store (of the large Swedish kind), and although I found several possibilities, there was something missing. After some deliberation, I thought, why not do-it-yourself.

To cut a long story short, I enjoyed the creative process so much, that I continued to dabble with different styles and subject matter over the following years, producing a variety of wall artwork, mainly to my own taste, but occasionally for friends and family too.

About this site

Some of my projects I have brought into this site, but now that I have time on my hands, I will be adding to the selection on a regular basis.


Please check back in the coming weeks as I develop this further.

This is not a shop and the downloads of my wall artwork projects will be free for your own personal use.